Community involvement is important to the success of the facility. NEIDL leadership and staff will continue to be responsive to community interests through outreach, educational programs, tours, seminars, and symposiums.

We must continue our efforts to inform and educate the community about what we do and why, while building and sustaining community trust in NEIDL and its mission.

NEIDL is located in BioSquare—a large biomedical research and business park—adjacent to Boston University’s Medical Campus (BUMC). It is committed to being completely transparent about its research and to engage the public concerning safety and security within the facility. The South End neighborhood is rich in both history and culture. Its residents are highly diverse in terms of race, ethnicity, and household income. NEIDL is proud to be a vital part of the neighborhood.

NEIDL has participated in numerous meetings, with different groups, neighborhoods, local middle and high school students interested in careers in science, businesses, industries, and other organizations, in order to continuously engage the community, solicit feedback, and address concerns about the laboratories. In direct response to the input received during outreach meetings and discussions, NEIDL worked to expand access to information about the laboratories as well as facilitate open dialogue and meaningful exchange through the creation of the Community Liaison Committee (CLC).

In connection with NEIDL’s mission to educate and train the next generation of scientists, and in collaboration with BU’s STEM initiatives and programs, NEIDL provides scholarships to local high school students to attend BU-sponsored programs, such as SummerLab.