Category: Events

Sociedad Latina’s summer program participates in college physics

July 28th, 2022 in #DataNetSciK20, Curricular Materials, Events, News, Uncategorized

Reposted from BU College of Arts and Sciences Community post: Sociedad Latina Collaboration Brings Middle Schoolers to the Physics Classroom.

Last week Paul Trunfio’s PY106 class paired up with the Sociedad Latina Summer Program. The middle school students from the Boston after-school program attended the physics course as part of an ongoing collaboration in the Network Science for All program (sponsored by the National Science Foundation).

The visit included participating in a lecture along with live demonstrations illustrating the relationship between electricity and magnetism (ionized gas in electric fields, magnetic levitation, electromagnets, and more). Students learned about forces, how electric currents produce magnetic fields, as well as how changing electric and magnetic fields lead to fascinating and unexpected real-world applications.

After participating in the lecture component, the middle school students joined the undergraduate students working together on a short worksheet on forces and Newton’s Laws and then applied this knowledge to forces on charges in electric and magnetic fields.

Finally, during an open lab, middle school students explored experiments centered around: (1) Electricity: electric charges, forces and generators and (2) Magnetism: Faraday’s Law experiment whereby an electric current is formed merely by moving a magnet through a coil of wire.

Electrical Circuits & Human Circulatory System Activities

November 18th, 2021 in #DataNetSciK20, Curricular Materials, Events, News

Yesterday, Sociedad Latina's STEAM Team "Network Science Club" hosted the first activity of a multi-part curriculum on the human body. This series of activities began with the exploration of connections between a simple electrical circuit (battery, wires, and resistor) and the human circulatory system from the point of view of networks.

NetSciEd 2020 Symposium

November 5th, 2020 in #DataNetSciK20, Events, News

We were honored to have presented at the virtual NetSciEd 2020 symposium as a satellite of the annual Network Science international conference.

Red Hat CO.LAB Retrospective & Digital Exhibit

May 18th, 2017 in Events, News

Boston University was honored to be a partner in the Red Hat CO.LAB event.

For more information, visit: Red Hat's CO.LAB and via #RedHatCOLAB on our social media channels.

BU Today “Close Up” of Project Co.Lab

April 24th, 2017 in #DataNetSciK20, Events, News

Paul Trunfio, repairing Raspberry Pi connectors for Sociedad Latina and Boston After School & Beyond students at Co.Lab.

Curriculum Lead for Red Hat CO.LAB

April 18th, 2017 in Events, News


We are excited to be a partner in the Red Hat CO.LAB initiative, leading the curriculum for a three-day empowerment experience for 25 of Boston's middle school girls, April 19-21, 2017.

The five-year research partnership creating the Red Hat Collaboratory at BU's Hariri Institute for Computing available at Red Hat Collaboratory @ BU is aimed at advancing research into emerging and translational technologies, such as cloud computing and big data platforms. Our partnership is also committed to the broader impact of open source and collaboration. The CO.LAB experience is meant to empower participants to collectively take on the challenge of advancing diversity and inclusion in STEM.

From a mobile CO.LAB trailer stationed at Boston's City Hall Plaza, middle school students from after school programs Sociedad Latina and Boston After School & Beyond will engage in activities mentored by Boston University graduate and undergraduate students and Red Hat engineers and innovators:

Day 1 (April 19, 2017): We’ll give the girls an introduction to Red Hat and Boston University and talk about what it means to be a female in technology. The girls will engage in collaboration activities and learn to code Raspberry Pis to create digital cameras.

Day 2 (April 20, 2017): The girls will explore the city of Boston to photograph themes around Emily Dickinson's poem "Hope is the thing with feathers", helping them interpret and capture images that bring the poem to life.

Day 3 (April 21, 2017): We’ll collaborate to build a digital installation that curates their photographs into a cohesive story that represents the CO.LAB experience. The installation will be on display in Boston’s City Hall and at various locations at BU.

For more information, visit: Red Hat's CO.LAB and via #RedHatCOLAB on our social media channels.

Related post-event media:

BU, Red Hat & City of Boston Sponsor Co.Lab Workshop for Middle School Girls (via BU Hariri Institute)

Roundtable on K-12 STEM Education

March 21st, 2017 in #DataNetSciK20, Events

On May 4, 2017, we are hosting a roundtable on K-12 STEM education at Boston University.

The purpose is to establish a working group that will explore ways in which we can collectively propel BU’s K-12 STEM efforts to new heights, working together to integrate varied efforts into the broader impacts mission of BU, bridge K-12 outreach and undergraduate and graduate education, and perhaps most importantly inject momentum into K-12 STEM initiatives so that efforts can sustain, scale and achieve their full potential.

For more information, please visit us at BU K-20+ STEM Education Collaborative or contact

Data & Network Science Festival Registration

January 30th, 2016 in #DataNetSciK20, Events

When: Tuesday April 19, 2016 from 12 pm to 3 pm
Where: Boston University, Science Center, 590 Commonwealth Avenue

Data and network science aims to solve some of the most complex problems facing our society today. In this series of discussions and workshops for teens, families, educators, learn to see the world around you in a whole new way… through the lenses of data and networks! Data and networks are everywhere, embedded in our society, biology, technology infrastructures, and so much more. Data and networks are at the interface of science and art.

The workshop will cover the following:

Data & Network Science All Around Us

Discover the many ways in which data and network science is changing the ways we explore our and make meaning of our interconnected world. Through hands-on activities, learn about the spread of viruses and how people are connected and what that means for politics and organizations.

Design Your Own Networks

In these hands-on activities, you will build your own networks from the ground up and discover what makes some resilient and others susceptible to attacks.

Art & Visualization

Explore some of the principles of design in computational visualization of data and networks by surveying a wide range of data visualizations, and have the opportunity to program your own!

Registration is now closed. By Friday, April 15, we will be sending email to all registrants with further information.

The Data & Network Science Festival @ BU is an event in support of the Cambridge Science Festival, an annual celebration of science, technology, engineering, art and math during April school vacation week for K-12 students.

For any questions, please contact Paul Trunfio at

Cambridge Science Festival Workshops April 22nd

January 20th, 2015 in #DataNetSciK20, Events

When: April 22, 2015

Where: Boston University (School of Education Room 130, 2 Silber Way)

Time: 2 pm - 4 pm (note new times)

Free registration at: Cambridge Science Festival Registration Page

The field of network science aims to solve some of the most complex problems facing our society today. In this series of discussions and workshops for teens, families, educators, learn to see the world around you in a whole new way… through the lens of networks! Networks are embedded in our society, biology, chemistry, technology infrastructures, and so much more. Networks are at the interface of science and art. The workshops are progressive in nature or can stand alone. Sign up for as many sessions as you wish.

The workshop will cover the following:

Network Science Overview

Discover the many ways in which network science is changing the ways we explore our and make meaning of our interconnected world. Learn about the role of networks in the spread of disease, the crash of stock markets, the toppling of dictators, and more.

Network Science & Visualizations

Explore some of the principles of design in computational visualization of data and networks and survey a wide range of data visualizations

Student Research

Learn about research a high school student team has done on biological networks.

Organizations and Networks

Many successful organizations accomplish their goals by creating a board of directors, or a small group of people who can support, advise and inspire them. Create your on board of directors and use concepts of network science to consider how best to grow your organization.

For any questions, please contact Paul Trunfio at

Summer 2013 Workshop & Conference

May 7th, 2013 in #DataNetSciK20, Events, News

Planning for our Summer 2013 workshop and conference is underway.

Our workshop will be July 15 - 24, 2013 at Boston University's Science Center (590 Commonwealth Avenue).

The broad schedule is:

  • Monday, July 15 and Tuesday July 16: Teacher Focus Workshop

  • Wednesday, July 17: Welcome, Class of 2013 Conference, Keynotes

  • Thursday, July 18 to Wednesday July 24: Workshop

More information is available at Get Involved.