Eric Kolaczyk

Professor; Biological Networks Modeling and Data Analysis

Eric Kolaczyk
  • Title Professor; Biological Networks Modeling and Data Analysis
  • Office MCS 223
  • Phone 617-353-5208
  • Education PhD, Stanford University, 1994

I am a faculty member in statistics, in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Boston University. Currently I serve as director of the department’s MS in Statistical Practice (MSSP), as well as more generally the director of the Program in Statistics.

My current research interests revolve mainly around the statistical analysis of network-indexed data, with particular focus on both foundational issues and statistical problems arising in practice. My applied work in network analysis has included collaborations with researchers in areas like bioinformatics, computational neuroscience, computer network traffic analysis, and social work. Previous research was concerned with the development of statistical multi-scale models, with applications in areas including astronomy, computer science, geography, and remote sensing.


Statistical methods and theory for temporal, spatial, and network-indexed processes; wavelets and multi-scale methods.

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