Shuaibin Chang


Shuaibin Chang (Boas Lab) searched for internship in research facilities as a sophomore. Back then he had no idea what he was going to do in the future. He got an opportunity in a lab that was doing optical imaging related research. There he was exposed to STORM, one of the super resolution imaging techniques and he thought it was so cool. The images were just fascinating, you can see the micro structures inside a single cell, very clearly. Back to college, he searched for more research opportunities in the campus. Since he had some experience with optical imaging, he kept on that direction and found a group that was doing neuroscience with optical imaging. And after he graduated, he decided to keep on research! He received my bachelor in science in University of Science and Technology of China. His major was in physics. His dissertation topic was writing a control software for a light-sheet STORM microscope. He expects to graduate in 2023.

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