Spencer Byers


Spencer Byers (Davison Labgraduated from Kenyon College with a BA in Neuroscience and Molecular Biology in 2016. Following Kenyon, Spencer pursued full-time research for two years at the Lieber Institute for Brain Development at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, where he tested the efficacy of pro-cognitive compounds molecularly and behaviorally in rodents. At Boston University, Spencer transitioned into studying systems neuroscience, joining the Neurophotonics program to gain an expertise in population activity recording. In Ian Davison’s lab, he explores rodent pheromone signal processing using single-photon miniscope imaging. In his free time Spencer is a Cleveland sports enthusiast, an avid crossword puzzler, an amateur horticulturist, and a fan of the TV series X-Files and Twin Peaks. You can read more on his neuroscience and other research at his personal website- spencerbyers.com. He expects to graduate by 2024.

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