Mackenzie Hyman

  • How you became involved in neurophotonics
    • My research utilizes optical fibers to deliver pulses of focused ultrasound into targeted brain regions. This led me to join the neurophotonics center to access the wealth of collaborations and physical resources.
  • Where you received your previous degree(s) and your major
    • University of Rochester – Electrical and Computer Engineering (B.S. 2015)
  • Your dissertation topic or title
    • Opto-acoustic neuromodulation for treating neurological illnesses
  • Expected graduation date
    • May 2026
  • Your PI and department and a link to your lab’s research page
    • My department is biomedical engineering.
    • My advisor is Prof. Ji-Xin Cheng, and he is a professor in the following departments: biomedical engineering, electrical & computer engineering, chemistry, and physics.
    • Link to Ji-Xin Cheng Group website.

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