Mirror Neuron System in Autism

Key Researchers: Helen Tager-Flusberg, BU; Xinge Li, BU; Manon Krol, BU; Sahar Jahani; David Boas, BU; Meryem Ayşe Yücel, BU

Summary: A dysfunction in MNS early in development could give rise to deficits in imitation, theory of mind and social communication. Understanding the neural basis of motor cognition in toddlers can potentially lead to the identification of new targets for treatments for ASD that would focus more directly on motor cognition. This project aims to investigate the brain functioning during motor cognition in developmental stages in toddlers with ASD.

Publication: Li et al., Scientific Reports, 2020 (accepted)

Funding: Neurophotonics Center Fundings; NICHD–PO1-HD-64653 (Tager-
