NPC Awards

NPC Collaborative Award for Neurophotonics Devel-Opment (CAN DO)

The NPC uses this award mechanism to support new projects amongst two or more collaborating NPC Faculty that will likely result in new collaborative grant proposals and potentially produce new methods of interest to other NPC Faculty and their teams. NPC is able to provide funds for for trainee(s), equipment and supplies to help launch these new collaborative efforts. You can apply here. Applications can be submitted at any time. Applicants are encouraged to submit by the typical annual Dec deadline to leverage the Dean of Engineering’s Catalyst Award with the CAN DO. Please reach out to any of the NPC Associate Directors and Director to discuss and help form your ideas.

NPC Core Seed Award

The NPC uses this award mechanism to support NPC Faculty in the use of NPC Core Facilities by subsidizing the core usage fees. Preference is given to junior faculty and those faculty starting new projects with a likelihood of producing new research grants in general but that also might help support core usage fees in the future. Funding requests for support up to 12 months will be considered. You can apply here. We generally have two application deadlines; one at the start of the Spring Semester and one over the Summer. But applications can be submitted at any time and discussed with the Center Director and Associate Directors.

Past Recipients

You can see the list of past recipients here.