Meet Skylar Shumate

Meet Skylar Shumate, the Research Coordinator at the Boston University Center for Neurorehabilitation.


I am originally from Colorado, but fell in love with Boston after watching my mom run the Boston Marathon. I am currently enrolled in the six-year combined Bachelor of Science/Doctor of Physical Therapy program here at BU. Having finished my undergraduate course work one year ahead of schedule, I was able to take a gap year and work at the CNR full time this year as Research Coordinator for the WHIP PD research study. I will be returning to school this summer to continue working toward my DPT.

What brought you to the Center for Neurorehabilitation?

During my freshmen year at Boston University I was selected as a Sargent College Dean’s Scholar. This award provides a funded research opportunity to select Sargent College freshmen and pairs award recipients with a faculty mentor conducting research in the student’s field of interest. Given my interest in physical therapy and exercise research I was paired with Dr. Ellis. PhD, PT, NCS and have been contributing to Parkinson’s Disease research at the CNR ever since.

What is the most rewarding part of your work?

The most rewarding part of my job is building relationships with our patients throughout their year in the WHIP PD research study. It is incredible to not only watch our participants grow more active, but also seeing them become more confident in their own abilities.

What are you passionate about?

I am passionate about empowering patients to positively impact their own health and providing the tools to do so. Few things are more rewarding than experiencing the benefits of your own dedication.

 When you are not working/in class, what do you like to do during your free-time?

I love a good hands-on project whether its putting together a photo album, making cutting boards or trying out a new recipe. I also enjoy skiing and running with family and friends or reading a good book out on the deck.

How are you staying active during this time?

I have been running through my neighborhood and on nearby trails. If the weather is bad or I want to mix it up I will do an online exercise or yoga video in my living room.

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