Newbury Center Welcome and Orientation – Fall 2024

What is a first-generation undergrad student? 

A student in the first generation of their family to go to college (i.e., a student whose parents/guardians/caregivers did not earn bachelor’s degrees, although elder siblings and cousins may be attending college already or have earned four-year degrees).

What is a first-generation graduate/professional student? 

A student whose parents/guardians/caregivers did not earn a master’s, doctorate, or a professional degree such as a JD or MD.

Here at the Newbury Center, we provide orientations for new first-gen students to give you a warm welcome to BU. Held at the beginning of each semester, these events introduce students to the resources of the Newbury Center, share some “ins and outs” of being a first-gen student at BU, and start building your community.

For the fall semester, we offer separate orientations for new first generation undergraduate and graduate students, both in-person and on Zoom–please attend whichever one works best for your schedule.

 Registration details below!


  • In Person Orientation- STH B24 (“Community Room”)
  • Virtual Orientation- on Zoom 


  • In Person Orientations
    • Monday, September 9, 5:30PM – 7:00PM – Charles River Campus, STH B24 (“Community Room”)
      Dinner will be provided, receive a free Terrier F1RSTS t-shirt, and win some Newbury Center swag!
      REGISTER HERE by Wednesday, September 4th 
    • Tuesday, September 10, 5:00PM-6:30PM – BU Medical Campus, Hiebert Lounge INS Rm 1407
      Dinner will be provided, receive a free Terrier F1RSTS t-shirt, and win some Newbury Center swag!
      REGISTER HERE by Wednesday, September 4th
  • Virtual Orientation- on Zoom