Duffy Moran

Duffy Moran

Senior Associate Director of Admissions

I became a Terrier F1rsts Advocate to better support the amazing students who I get to work with and bring into Boston University! Working in Admissions, it’s important that we understand the experiences students go through when coming to BU, and ways we can support them as we’re often their first point of contact at BU. Having been at BU for close to 20 years, I enjoy being a resource for students and helping them to find their people and their communities, as that’s what makes BU into a home.

  • Gender Identity and Pronouns: male – he, him
  • Hometown: Rutland, VT
  • Languages Spoken: English
  • Business/ Industry of Interest: Social Sciences
  • Personal Facts/ Hobbies/ Interests: I’m from Vermont and spend a lot of time back in the Green Mountain State with my family. I live a couple miles from campus and have two children. My wife also works at BU, and has for over 17 years. When I’m not on-campus, I’m likely coaching my kids in hockey or soccer.