Keying Chen


As the first in my family to pursue a college education, I encountered a host of challenges but was fortunate enough to navigate through them successfully. I’m driven to become an advocate because I want my students to embrace their first-gen identity with pride. I want them to know that I’m their unwavering supporter, ready to stand by them whenever challenges arise. Additionally, I wish to be involved in the Newbury center so I can connect students with the wealth of resources and opportunities our university has to offer.

  • Gender Identity and Pronouns: She/Her
  • Race, Ethnicity, and/or Nationality: Asian
  • Hometown: Quzhou, China
  • Languages Spoken: English and Mandarin Chinese
  • Business/ Industry of Interest: Sciences
  • Personal Facts/ Hobbies/ Interests: My adult-like hobbies include hiking, running, and cooking, but my inner child finds joy in immersing myself in the worlds of ONE PIECE (a devoted fan since 2007) and The Legend of Zelda (especially Breath of the Wild). During my time in graduate school in Los Angeles, I developed an appreciation for hip-hop music and cuisines from diverse cultures worldwide. Advocating for a low-carbon footprint lifestyle, you’ll often spot me commuting to work on Common Ave on my bike.