Kris Gilchrist-Minasidis

Director, University Service Center (Enrollment & Student Administration)

I’m a BU alum (CAS/GRS) originally from Albany, NY. I muddled my way through college, fiercely independent and convinced I could “go it alone.” Luckily some wonderful professors and administrators encouraged and supported me, and I came to understand that the most successful students at BU were the ones who were taking advantage of the resources around them. I learned so much, and am blessed now that I’m in a position to share my hard earned BU and “college knowledge” with fellow Terriers and their families. My job at BU is a mix of making things easier for students, and coaching on how to navigate a large, urban, research institution. I am living proof that you can study one area, work in another, and still wind up gainfully employed, going to a job you love every day. As a first gen alum myself, I’m happy to talk with first gen students about anything. I’ll be the first to tell you when I think there’s a better expert you should track down, in the meantime, I’m a great sounding board.

  • First-Generation College and Graduate/Professional
  • Member of Tri-Alpha National Honor Society
  • Gender Identity and Pronouns: she/her/hers
  • Race, Ethnicity, and/or Nationality: Caucasian
  • Home: Albany, NY
  • Languages Spoken: English
  • Business/Industry of Interest: Art and Humanities, Social Sciences
  • Personal Facts/ Hobbies/ Interests: I’m an introvert, who loves to people watch and to read–but I’ll gladly give up my quiet reading time for family game or movie night. My spouse is a first-gen Terrier, too. My first job at BU was a work study position with the campus escort security service–we walked students all around campus, in pairs, and conducted safety checks of the street lights and the emergency blue light phone system. I couldn’t believe I was getting paid to walk around campus!
  • BU Profile