Narali Taglialavore
Associate Director, Career Education
I became a Terrier F1RSTS Advocate because as a first-gen myself, I know the barriers FGCS face and if I can be a support, advocate, and resource for them that’s who I want to be here at BU. BU is a big school, being a Terrier F1RSTS Advocate, helps BU feel more like a community for FGCS. I also enjoyed learning about what first-gen means here at BU and the BU specific definition for graduate students.
- First-Generation College and Graduate/Professional
- Gender Identity and Pronouns: Female | she/her/hers
- Race, Ethnicity, and/or Nationality: White | Hispanic/Latina (Argentinian)
- Hometown: Long Island, NY
- Languages Spoken: English, Spanish
- Business/ Industry of Interest: Art and Humanities, Business, Engineering, Health, Science, Social Sciences
- Personal Facts/ Hobbies/ Interests: I am originally from Long Island, NY, but my family is from Argentina. I enjoy the beach, reading, baking, and traveling to and exploring new cities.
- BU Profile