Roz Abukasis

Roz Abukasis

Academic Counselor, Sargent College

I had the privilege of working with hundreds of first-generation students during my 13 years at Newbury College. Witnessing their growth and self-discovery as they earned their degrees instilled in me a fundamental understanding of the importance and value of providing support for students from all backgrounds. I am very excited to meet and get to know the BU first-generation students. To serve as a resource and a mentor will allow me the opportunity to continue the Newbury legacy at BU!

  • Gender Identity and Pronouns: she/her/hers
  • Hometown: Westwood, MA
  • Languages Spoken: English, Hebrew
  • Business/Industry of Interest: Art and Humanities, Business, Health, Social Sciences
  • Personal Facts/ Hobbies/ Interests: Outside of my days at BU, I enjoy knitting, gardening (I love playing in the dirt – both outdoors and with my 38 indoor plants!), reading and binge-watching shows on Netflix. If you have any great suggestions, please let me know! When I have the opportunity, I spend time with my family – my kids are both in their 30s and live in Manhattan and Denver, so we don’t get to visit very often. We are extremely grateful for technology as it has allowed us to stay closely connected even if we are unable to meet in person!
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