Stacy Ulrich

Stacy Ulrich

Director, CAS Student Programs & Leadership

I want to support first gen students as they navigate a large, urban research university. BU and college can be overwhelming and confusing and our students need mentors and advocates. I am here to talk one on one and also to advocate for resources, especially in CAS and within the program I oversee, FY101. Please be in touch!

  • Gender Identity and Pronouns: Gender queer, she/her/hers
  • Race, Ethnicity, and/or Nationality: White, German, American
  • Home: Glenview, IL
  • Languages Spoken: English, some Spanish
  • Business/Industry of Interest: Art and Humanities, Business, Engineering, Health, Science, Social Sciences
  • Personal Facts/ Hobbies/ Interests: I grew up in the midwest but I’ve lived on the East Coast for the last 21 years. I love all things outdoor adventure- running, biking, camping, hiking. My wife Shana and I live in Roslindale with our dog, Noodle, and we are becoming first time parents to a baby this Fall 2021!
  • BU ProfileĀ