

AAUP. American Association of University Professors. Contingent Faculty website.

AAUP [1940]. American Association of University Professors. “Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure.”

AAUP [1958]. Recommended Institutional Regulations on Academic Freedom & Tenure. AAUP Policy Documents and Reports.

AAUP [2003]. American Association of University Professors. “Contingent Appointments and the Academic Profession.” AAUP Policy Documents and Reports.

AAUP [2006]. American Association of University Professors. “Contingent Faculty Index.” March-April 2008. AAUP Publications and Research.

AAUP [2008]. Academe: Bulletin of the AAUP. November-December 2008. (Entire issue dedicated to contingent faculty).

AAUP [2009]. American Association of University Professors. The Annual Report on the Economic Status of the Profession 2008-09. Academe, March-April 2009. (Excerpts available).

Bettinger, Eric; Bridget Terry Long [2004]. “Do College Instructors Matter? The Effects of Adjuncts and Graduate Assistants on Students’ Interests and Success.” NBER Working Papers, no. 10370. National Bureau of Economic Research Inc. Cambridge, MA.

Boston University Faculty Handbook.

Boston University [2008]. Report of the Council on Faculty Diversity and Inclusion, July 2008. [Link??]

Boyer [1998]. The Boyer Commission on Educating Undergraduates in the Research University: Reinventing Undergraduate Education: A Blueprint for America’s Research Universities, 1998.

Boyer [2001]. The Boyer Commission on Educating Undergraduates in the Research University: Reinventing Undergraduate Education: Three Years After the Boyer Commission Report, 2001.

Brandeis University [2005a]. Brandeis University Report From the Ad Hoc Committee on Contract Faculty to the Provost and the Faculty Senate.

Brandeis University [2005b]. Brandeis Contract Faculty Guidelines.

Brown University. Faculty Rules and Regulations.

Cornell University. Faculty Handbook.

Columbia University. Faculty Handbook.

Cross, J.G.; Edie N. Goldenberg [2009]. Off-Track Profs: Nontenured Teachers in Higher Education. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.

Duke University. Faculty Handbook.

Ehrenberg, Ronald G. [2005]. The Changing Nature of the Faculty and Faculty Employment Practices. Cornell Higher Education Research Institute (CHERI) Working Papers.

Ehrenberg, Ronald G. ; Liang Zhang [2003]. Do Tenure and Tenure-Track Faculty Matter? National Bureau of Economic Research. Working Paper 10695, August 2004.

Harvard University. Faculty of Arts and Sciences Appointment and Promotion Handbook.

IPEDS. Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System.

Jaeger, Audrey J. [2008]. Contingent Faculty and Student Outcomes, Academe, November-December 2008.

MLA [2008]. Modern Language Association. Education in the Balance: A Report on the Academic Workforce in English—2008

Monks, James [2004].The Relative Earnings of Contingent Faculty in Higher Education.” Cornell Higher Education Research Institute (CHERI) Working Papers.

New York University. Faculty Handbook

Shuster, Jack H., Martin J. Finkelstein [2006-a]. The American Faculty: The Restructuring of Work and Careers. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Shuster, Jack H., Martin J. Finkelstein [2006-b]. “On the Brink,” Thought and Action, the National Education Association Higher Education Journal, Fall 2006.

Thedwal, Kate [2008]. Nontenure-track faculty: Rising numbers, lost opportunities,” New Directions for Higher Education, vol. 2008, Issue 143, Special Issue Faculty at the Margins.

Tufts University [2005-a]. Faculty Handbook (revised 2005).

Tufts University [2005-b]. Policies and Procedures for Non-Tenure Track Faculty (last updated 2005).

University of Michigan. Subcommittee on Non-Tenure-Track Instructional Faculty, 1999.

University of Pennsylvania. Faculty Handbook.

University of Rochester. Faculty Handbook.

Yale University. Faculty Handbook.

Zhang, Liang, Ronald G. Ehrenberg [2006].Faculty Employment and R&D Expenditures at Research Universities.” Higher Education Research Institute (CHERI) Working Papers, 2006.