
Students in the PA program are required to complete a thesis proposal that demonstrates the student’s ability to interpret scientific literature and develop a hypothesis-driven project proposal. The thesis is designed to enhance the students’ ability to critically evaluate the literature and develop a novel project proposal of their own. This is a literature-based thesis and does not require collection or analysis of data.

This experience provides practical insight into the challenges of developing sound and relevant research, while honing students’ analytical skills. Students will be mentored by an advisor from the BU Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine to develop their project related to clinical medicine, medical education, or health workforce. Each student is provided with two to three dedicated months to complete their project during the clinical phase of the program. Once the final draft is signed by the thesis advisors, the manuscript is uploaded and archived into both the Boston University Mugar Library and the international ProQuest Thesis and Dissertation registry.

Sample Thesis Titles of Former Students:

  • CAR-T Cell Therapy for Liver Metastasis Improving End of Life Care for the Homeless
  • The Psychosocial Impact of ACL Tear Injury in Collegiate Athletes
  • Mobile Applications for Weight Loss in Primary Care
  • Marquart Mask as a Guide for Facial Feminization Surgery 
  • Vitamin D to Reduce Liver Fibrosis in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease