Pardee Fellow Blogs at FT Economists Forum

Prof. Kevin Gallagher
Prof. Kevin Gallagher

Pardee Center Faculty Research Fellow and Associate Professor of International Relations Prof. Kevin Gallagher published a blog post at the Financial Times (FT) Economists Forum on April 21, titled “Will the Real IMF Please Stand Up?”

In the post, Prof. Gallagher argues that “clear and consistent proposals toward crisis recovery and prevention are needed at the International Monetary Fund upcoming annual meetings” but “unfortunately, the IMF has been sending mixed messages over the past two months on the subject of capital controls.” He concludes that “the IMF should leave ideology aside and ensure that nations have all possible instruments at their disposal to combat and prevent crises. If ideology wins, the IMF’s efforts to get back in good standing will remain futile.”

Prof. Gallagher was the lead convenor of the recent Pardee Center Task Force Report on the Future of North American Trade.