Pardee Center Hosts Virtual Symposium, “How Democracy Survives: The Crises of the Nation State”

In Conjunction with the Stanley P. Stone Distinguished Lecture Series, the BU College of General Studies, the Workable World Trust, and the Center for Interdisciplinary Teaching & Learning

From October 28-30, 2020, the Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future at Boston University’s Pardee School of Global Studies hosted a symposium titled “How Democracy Survives: The Crises of the Nation State.” The three-day virtual symposium featured leading scholars and activists from around the world, exploring how democratic values and institutions can evolve and adapt to the growing challenges that are now destabilizing democratic nation states, such as climate change, resurgent nationalism, ethnic and religious conflict, human rights abuses, and deepening levels of economic inequality.

Video recordings of every session are available below.

Plenary Address: The New Era of Glocalism
Sheila Foster,
The Scott K. Ginsburg Professor of Urban Law and Policy, Georgetown University; Advisory Committee, Global Parliament of Mayors

Commentary / Q&A by Graham K. Wilson, Professor of Political Science & Director, Initiative on Cities, Boston University

Panel Discussion: Democracy and Nationality
Liah Greenfeld,
Boston University; Manu Bhagavan, Hunter College; Vivien Schmidt, Boston University

Moderator: Martin Chungong, Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union

Panel Discussion: How Democracy Survives
Richard Samuel Deese
, Boston University; Robert Kuttner, Brandeis University; Michael D. Bess, Vanderbilt University

Moderator: Joyce Najm Mendez, Center for UN Constitutional Research

Plenary Address: People Power & Its Limits
James E. Miller,
Professor of Liberal Studies and Politics, and Faculty Director of Creative Publishing & Critical Journalism, The New School for Social Research

Commentary / Q&A: Camila Vergara, Postdoctoral Research Scholar, Columbia Law School

Panel Discussion: The Evolution of Democratic Federalism
Tiziana Stella,
 Streit Council for a Union of Democracies; Philomila Tsoukala, Georgetown University Law School; Michael Holm, Boston University

Moderator: Naomi Mezey, Georgetown University Law School

Plenary Address: Democracy and the Global Commons
Spencer Weart
, American Institute of Physics 

Commentary / Q&A: Cutler Cleveland, Boston University

Panel Discussion: Cosmopolitan Democracy & UN Reform
Joseph Preston Baratta,
 Worcester State University; Andreas Bummel, Democracy Without Borders; S. M. Sharei, Center for UN Constitutional Research

Moderator: Augusto Lopez-Claros, Global Governance Forum

Panel Discussion: The Future of Democratic Federalism
Susanna Cafaro,
 EU Law Professor at Università del Salento; John J. Davenport, Fordham University; Hélène Landemore, Yale University

Moderator: Vivien Schmidt, Jean Monnet Professor of European Integration, Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston University




Richard Samuel Deese
Boston University

Michael Holm
Boston University