Category: 2010

Pardee Center Director Speaks at Aga Khan University

Prof. Adil Najam, Director of the Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer Range Future and Boston University Professor of International Relations and Geography and Environment, presented the FAS-HASS Collaborative Lecture at the Aga Khan University, Karachi, Pakistan on December 23, 2010 on “Climate Change, Security and Development: Why Should Pakistan Care?” […]

Cynthia Barakatt to Serve as Clerk on Silent Spring Institute Board

Pardee Center Communications Specialist, Cynthia Barakatt will serve as clerk starting January 2011 for the Silent Spring Institute Board of Directors. Based in Newton, Silent Spring Institute is a unique partnership of scientists, physicians, public health advocates, and community activists that works to identify the links between the environment and women’s health, especially breast cancer.  […]

Prof. Najam Speaks at DIHE Convocation

Prof. Adil Najam, Director of the Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer Range Future and Boston University Professor of International Relations and Geography and Environment, was the Guest of Honor and featured speaker at the third annual convocation and graduation ceremony of the Dadabhoy Institute of Higher Education (DIHE), Karachi, Pakistan, […]

Pardee Center Research Presented at Rockefeller Meeting in Bangkok

A presentation on the Pardee Center research project on developing data analysis and visualization tools for futures foresight was made at a meeting organized by the Rockefeller Foundation in Bangkok, Thailand on December 15-16, 2010. The project is supported by the Rockefeller Foundation and is led at the Pardee Center by Prof. Adil Najam and […]

Prof. Najam Presents at Workshop in Sri Lanka on South Asia’s Future

Prof. Adil Najam, Director of the Frederick S. Pardee  Center for the Study of the Longer Range Future and Boston University Professor of International Relations and Geography and Environment, participated in and presented at a two-day international workshop on non-traditional security challenges in South Asia’s Future. The workshop was attended by leading experts from across […]

Pardee Center Receives Rockefeller Grant for Foresight Research

The Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future at Boston University has received a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation to develop data analysis and visualization tools for futures foresight research and to apply these to the Rockefeller Foundation’s ongoing ‘Searchlight’ project that focuses on horizon scanning to identify early signals that […]

Pardee Fellow Featured in AlertNet

Dr. Pablo Suarez, Pardee Visiting Post-Doctoral Fellow, was featured in AlertNet for his work on games as learning tools for climate science. Saurez has just returned from facilitating two game-based climate change sessions yesterday at the UN conference in Cancun (one on linking forecasts with humanitarian decisions and another on insurance for risk reduction). The […]

Pardee House Seminar Launches Africa 2060 Conference Report

The Report of the Pardee Center’s ‘Africa 2060: Good News from Africa’ conference was launched at a special Pardee House Seminar held on December 6, 2010. Panelists included Amb. Charles Stith, Director of the BU African Presidential Archives and Research Center (APARC); Prof. Timothy Longman, Director of the BU African Studies Center (ASC), and Dr. […]