Graduate Summer Fellows Program

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible to apply?

Any graduate student who is currently enrolled in a master’s or doctoral program at Boston University is eligible to apply. Students enrolled at other universities are not eligible.

If I am a master’s student graduating in May, can I apply for the summer right after my graduation?

To be eligible, a student must have an active enrollment status with the university. Thus, students who complete their degrees in May 2024 are not eligible candidates for the 2024 session.

If I am an “ABD” doctoral candidate, am I still eligible?

Yes. Doctoral candidates may apply to the program after their coursework and qualifying exams are complete as long they have active enrollment status with the university through the end of the summer.

When are applications due, and when will candidates find out if they have been selected?

The application deadline is close of business on Tuesday, March 19, 2024. Candidates will be notified of the outcome of their application by late April.

What are the dates of the program?

In 2024, the program begins on Tuesday, May 28 and ends on Friday, August 2.

If I have a fieldwork requirement or another summer commitment that overlaps with a few weeks of the program, may I still apply?

Unfortunately, no. This intensive 10-week program places great emphasis on the interaction among the graduate students from various disciplines, so it is important for all of the Summer Fellows to be engaged for the entire 10 weeks. We ask all candidates to confirm that they are able to participate in all programs and activities for the duration of the program.

What types of “programs and activities” do the Summer Fellows participate in?

In addition to focused time for work on individual research papers, the Summer Fellows take part in weekly lunch discussions with Pardee Center affiliated faculty and other invited guests; a workshop on research and communicating to non-academic audiences; mid-course presentations about their research projects; and a few other social events. Weekly “brown bag” lunches and informal interactions among the Summer Fellows themselves are also strongly encouraged.

This program is advertised as “interdisciplinary”. What does that mean exactly?

The interdisciplinary nature of the program is rooted in the selection of Summer Fellows from a variety of disciplines from across Boston University. Selected Summer Fellows are from various departments, schools, and colleges, and will spend time during the 10 weeks interacting with each other, discussing each other’s work, and giving feedback on presentations of work outside of their own disciplines. The program provides training and emphasis on effectively communicating about academic work to people outside of one’s own discipline. So while each candidate should write an application proposal based on a research topic germane to their own discipline and graduate work, as a group, the selected Summer Fellows – and the nature of the program – are interdisciplinary.

How are the Summer Fellows selected?

A selection committee of Pardee Center staff, affiliated faculty, and Summer Fellows alumni is convened after the application deadline to review applications and select the final candidates. All candidates will be notified about the outcome of their application by the end of April.

If you have additional questions or would like further clarification, please email