Michael Holm

Faculty Associate
Faculty Research Fellow (2018-2021)
Lecturer, Social Sciences, College of General Studies
(617) 358-3934



BA, University of Southern Denmark; MA, University of Southern Denmark; MA, McGill University; PhD Boston University.


International relations history, U.S. foreign policy, and U.S. political, and cultural history, and political ideology.


Michael Holm joined the Boston University’s College of General Studies’ Social Science Department as a Lecturer in 2016. Before that he spent three years as a Lecturer at the CAS History Department. He specializes in international relations history, the history of U.S. foreign relations, and U.S. political and cultural history.

Holm’s first book The Marshall Plan: A New Deal for Europe was published by Routledge in 2016. He has published peer-reviewed articles in the Journal of the Historical Society and Diplomacy and Statecraft. Holm has two forthcoming chapters, “The United States in the World: Victory Culture and the Debate over U.N. Peacekeeping” in L’histoire du maintien de la paix: nouvelles perspectives/History of Peacekeeping: New Perspectives (forthcoming, 2018) and “‘The patient is sinking while the doctors deliberate:’ Marshall’s Quest to Save Europe” in Center of the Storm: George Marshall’s Influence after World War II (University of Oklahoma Press, 2019).

He is currently working on an article/book project on American intellectuals and the development of U.S. foreign aid policy in the early Cold War era.