Menegon Awarded Research Fellowships

A portrait of a Chinese emperor in European dress, selected by Eugenio Menegon as emblematic of the cross-cultural focus of his work.


Eugenio Menegon, Associate Professor of History in the College of Arts and Sciences and the current Director of the Center for the Study of Asia, has been awarded two residential research fellowships for the academic year 2015-2016. He will spend Fall 2015 as a member of the School of Historical Studies at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton University, and Spring 2016 as Senior Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies at Boston College.

“We at the Pardee School are proud of Professor Menegon’s scholarly achievements,” said Dean Adil Najam. “Theseare prestigious fellowships that will not only allow Prof. Mengon important research opportunities but are a testamont to his scholarship.”

Menegon is completing a book entitled “Amicitia Palatina: Court Networks and the Europeans in Imperial Beijing, 1700-1820.” The project focuses on the social, economic, and religious life of foreign experts at the Qing imperial court and how their experience illuminates the workings of global economic and cultural networks, as well as the daily transactions of power at the Chinese court.

Leading up to his research leave, Menegon will be busy coordinating the international conference “Binding Maritime China: Control, Interloping, and Evasion, 1550-1950,” to be held on May 29-30 at the BU Pardee School for Global Studies, and co-sponsored by Boston University (Center for the Study of Asia, History Department, CAS Dean’s Office), Northeastern University (Humanities Center), and Brandeis University (History Department, East Asian Studies Program, CAS Dean’s Office).

In early June he will deliver a lecture entitled “A Micro-Historical Approach to Global China: The Daily Life of Europeans in Beijing in the Long Eighteenth Century” at the University of Cambridge (UK), as part of the series “Global China: New Approaches,” supported by the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation and the Universities of Birmingham and Cambridge.

Menegon will then go on to do archival research in the UK (British Library and Bodleian Library), Vatican City (Archives of Propaganda Fide) and France (Archives nationales, Paris; and Archives de la Compagnie des Indes, Lorient, Brittany) between June and August.