VIDEO: Keylor at Paris WWI Conference


William Keylor, Professor of International Relations and History at the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston University, was the only American scholar invited to participate in an international colloquium in Paris on World War I.

The event, held on April 25, was sponsored  by La Société d’Histoire Diplomatique of France. Attended by French, German, British, Austrian, and Swiss scholars, the conference was held in the sumptuous building of the Fondation Singer/Polingac.

The title of the conference was “The Role of Parliaments During the First World War.” The title of Professor Keylor’s presentation was “De la Neutralité, à la Guerre, et à la Paix : Le rôle du Congrès des Etats-Unis pendant la Grande Guerre et la Conférence de Paix, 1914-1919 ” (From Neutrality to War to Peace : The Role of the United States Congress during World War I and the Peace Conference, 1914-1919.”)

The presentations at the conference were recorded. The video is in French.

De la neutralité à la guerre et à la paix : le rôle du congrès des USA dans la conduite de la pol. étrangère US, William from Fondation Singer-Polignac on Vimeo.

Keylor has been a Guggenheim, Fulbright, Woodrow Wilson, Earhart, and Whiting Fellow. Learn more about him here.