Gallagher Op-Ed in FT: Save ExIm Bank


Kevin Gallagher, Associate Professor of Global Development Policy at the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston University, said that the fate of the U. S. Export-Import Bank, currently being decided by Congress, would have profound implications for the position of China on the world stage.

Gallagher made his case in a June 22 op-ed in the Financial Times co-written with Gregory Chin, entitled “Demise of the U. S. Ex-Im Bank Would Leave Field to China.”

From the text of the article:

“Although the majority in Congress want to reauthorize and revitalize the bank, the Republican leadership has yet to schedule a vote on renewing the Agency’s charter and thus stands to eliminate the Ex-Im Bank by June 30th of this year. The administration of Barack Obama has been largely silent on the issue.

The Ex-Im Bank has proven strategic in geopolitical and economic terms for the United States. Now, as China rises, the U.S. should be increasing the presence and performance of the Ex-Im Bank to both serve as an example for responsible global public finance, and to bolster the presence of American firms in global markets.”

You can read the entire op-ed here.

Gallagher is co-director of the Global Economic Governance Initiative, an affiliated center of the Pardee School. Learn more about him here.