Selin in the Conversation: Paying for Climate Change
Henrik Selin, Associate Professor of International Relations at the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston University, said that one of the biggest questions in the run-up to the December Paris climate talks was money.
Selin made his case in an op-ed written on Nov. 2 for The Conversation entitled “The Biggest Sticking Point in Paris Climate Talks: Money.”
From the text of the op-ed:
Many Paris financing debates will focus on how to most appropriately use the recently created Green Climate Fund (GCF) – the new main multilateral vehicle for helping developing countries to lower their GHG emissions and adapt to the effects of climate change.
However, there remain significant questions about how the GCF will function, how it will operate alongside other organizations, and how effective the overall financing system may be. Indeed, the unresolved money question was front and center in the just-concluded Bonn talks, which were intended to pave the way for a Paris agreement.
You can read the entire op-ed here.
Selin was also quoted in a Chinese-language news article on the climate talks entitled “COP 21 to be held soon, climate policies of the US, Australia and Canada still hard to predict.” You can read the article in Chinese here.
Selin conducts research and teaches classes on global and regional politics and policy making on environment and sustainable development. His most recent book is EU and Environmental Governance, by Routledge Press, and is also the author of Global Governance of Hazardous Chemicals: Challenges of Multilevel Management by MIT Press. Learn more about him here.