Najam Interviewed on Youth Bulge in Pakistan
Dean Adil Najam of the Boston Univeristy Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies was interviewed on the podcast Soch Bichar on his research on the demographic youth bulge in Pakistan and its potential to become a force of economic dividend for the country.
Najam pointed out that while there is the potential for an important youth ‘boom’ in Pakistan, there are also significant dangers of it turning into the ‘bust’ if the correct measures are not taken. Najam is the lead author, along with Dr. Faisal Bari, for the forthcoming Pakistan National Human Development Report (NHDR) which focuses on the subject of youth. The report is being prepared for the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Pakistan and will be released later this year.
You can listen to the entire podcast below:
Najam pointed out that Pakistan’s demographic youth bulge is likely to continue till 2060 and for Pakistan to derive the benefits of a ‘youth dividend’ massive investments will be needed in education, employment and in youth engagement. Najam’s views on the matter were also the subject of a recent news report in the Express Tribune, here.
Soch Bichar is Pakistan’s widely heard podcast on development and is hosted by Dr. Nadeem ul Haque, former Planning and Development Minister and head of Pakistan’s Planning Commission and Dr. Anjum Altaf, Provost of Habib Univeristy in Karachi, Pakistan.