Aftandilian in Al Jazeera on Trump and Immigration


Gregory Aftandilian, Lecturer at the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston University, published a recent Op-Ed discussing presidential candidate Donald Trump’s stance on immigration during the 2016 presidential campaign.

Aftandilian’s August 10, 2016 Op-Ed, entitled “Immigrants and Donald Trump: It’s a Complicated Story,” was published in Al Jazeera.

From the text of the Op-Ed:

If Trump had just stuck with the issue of illegal immigration, he would not be in such hot water today. But as a narcissist, he cannot control himself. His attack on the Khan family who appeared at the Democratic National Convention was a bridge too far.

Although the US still has problems of prejudice, that practice stops at a war’s edge.

The vast majority of Americans believe that any American soldier who has died in war and their family deserves the utmost respect.

When Trump went after the mother, Ghazala Khan, of the dead soldier, suggesting that her Muslim faith prevented her from speaking at the convention, most Americans were appalled by his remarks. Polls show that 74 percent of Americans disapprove of Trump’s attack on the Khans.

You can read the entire Op-Ed here.

Aftandilian spent over 21 years in government service, most recently on Capitol Hill where he was foreign policy adviser to Congressman Chris Van Hollen (2007-2008), professional staff member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and foreign policy adviser to Senator Paul Sarbanes (2000-2004), and foreign policy fellow to the late Senator Edward Kennedy (1999). Learn more about him here.