Pardee School Welcome MA Students With Barbecue

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The Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies is proud to welcome its incoming class of MA Candidates. Graduate students were greeted with a September 6, 2016 welcome barbecue event held on the lawn across from 121 Bay State Road. 

Students in attendance met Pardee School Dean Adil Najam, Director of Graduate Studies Robert Loftis, Graduate Student Administrator Michael Williams and Pardee School faculty. Incoming students also had the opportunity to hear from returning MA students about courses, research opportunities and life in Boston. 

The MA Candidates also participated in a September 2, 2016 academic orientation with content ranging from a thorough grounding in the Pardee School’s unique MA thesis defense process to academic opportunities for Pardee School graduate students. Incoming students also learned about opportunities for graduate students at the Pardee School including the Pardee Graduate Council and the graduate academic journal The Pardee Periodical.

Graduate students will also have the opportunity to get to know each other further during a team-building event at the Fitchburg Art Museum on September 24, 2016.