Aftandilian in The Arab Weekly on U.S.-Egypt Relations


Gregory Aftandilian, Lecturer at the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston University, published a recent Op-Ed on the effect that Donald Trump’s victory in the 2016 United States presidential election could have on relations between the U.S. and Egypt.

Aftandilian’s Op-Ed, entitled “Trump’s Victory Likely to Improve US-Egyptian Ties,” was published on November 20, 2016 in The Arab Weekly.

From the text of the article:

Tellingly, reportedly the first foreign leader to congratulate US Presi­dent-elect Donald Trump was Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. Although the two had met only once, they seem to share a similar outlook about threats facing Egypt, the Middle East and the larger international community.

From Sisi’s perspective, Trump represents the anti-Barack Obama and the anti-Hillary Clinton. Much of the hostility towards these lead­ing Democrats stems from the time of Muslim Brotherhood leader Mu­hammad Morsi’s election as Egyp­tian president in 2012 and the af­termath of his ouster from power in 2013.

In the summer of 2012, when it appeared that Morsi had won the presidential vote, the Egyp­tian military was reluctant to an­nounce the winner; earlier, the ruling military council had issued a decree stripping the presidency of real power. Clinton, then US sec­retary of State, urged the Egyptian military to respect the outcome of the election and publicly declared that the military should return to a “purely national security role” — meaning it should go back to the barracks.

The following summer, Obama, as US president, criticised the se­vere crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood by Sisi, then Defence minister, and the security services and two months later suspended a large portion of US military aid to Egypt.

You can read the entire Op-Ed here.

 spent over 21 years in government service, most recently on Capitol Hill where he was foreign policy adviser to Congressman Chris Van Hollen (2007-2008), professional staff member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and foreign policy adviser to Senator Paul Sarbanes (2000-2004), and foreign policy fellow to the late Senator Edward Kennedy (1999). Learn more about him here.