Mehrling Speaks at GDP Center GEGI Seminar Series

Perry Mehrling, Professor of International Political Economy at the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston University, spoke as part of the Global Development Policy (GDP) Center Global Economic Governance Initiative luncheon seminar series on February 5, 2019.

Mehrling delivered a talk entitled “Money Is Enough? A Kindlebergian Perspective on the International Order.”

GEGI was founded in 2008 to advance policy-relevant knowledge about governance for financial stability, human development, and the environment and is now housed at the GDP Center. To this end, GEGI researches the performance of the ‘international economic architecture’–the various international financial, trade, and development institutions created in the aftermath of World War II that play a leading role in global economic governance to this day.

The GDP Center is a university-wide research center in partnership with the Office of the Vice President and Associate Provost for Research and the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies. The GDP Center’s mission is to advance policy-oriented research for financial stability, human well-being, and environmental sustainability.