Najam Interviewed on Growing U.S. Tension With Iran

Adil Najam, Dean of the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston University, was interviewed for a May 14, 2019 television segment on the news show Bari Baat (Big News) on the Pakistan channel HUM TV on the growing tensions between the United States and Iran.

Najam argued that the growing tension in relations between U.S. and Iran are escalating fast and could further destabilize an already very tense region. He suggested that President Trump seems to have escalation with Iran on his agenda from the very start of his term and with U.S. presidential elections approaching his rhetoric is continuing to heat up.

The fact the other countries in the region – including Israel and Saudi Arabia – are also escalating pressure on Iran is only exacerbating a situation that could easily get out of hand in an already volatile region, according to Najam. In such a situation it would become increasingly difficult for other countries to remain out of the conflict even though that would be the most advisable course for them to take, Najam suggested.

Adil Najam is the inaugural Dean of the Pardee School and a commentator on foreign policy and diplomacy. Learn more about him here.