Pardee School Hosts Veterans Day Commemoration

The Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston University hosted a November 11, 2019 Veterans Day commemoration sponsored by the Boston University Veterans Association (BUVA) and attended by 30 BU faculty, staff, and students.

Nick Rapport, BUVA President and a Marine Corps veteran, made opening remarks and introduced the guest speaker, USAF (Ret) Lt. Gen. Jack Weinstein, Pardee School Professor of the Practice of International Security. In his comments, Weinstein related some of his own military experiences and expressed his appreciation to veterans. Following his remarks, the group proceeded to place two commemorative wreaths at the BU veterans memorial on Bay State Road. 

“Tom Brokaw, a Television journalist and author, coined the term the Greatest Generation to describe those who grew up during the Great Depression and fought in World War II and they were indeed during their time the greatest generation,” Weinstein said. “But I believe any generation who serves their nation is The Greatest Generation. Those of you in uniform today, those preparing to raise your right hand and say an oath to the Constitution are our Greatest Generation. The American public may not understand military ranks or insignia, but they know what that uniform represents. It represents the best of America, our past, present and future”.

Weinstein also participated in BU’s Navy ROTC with other ROTC Detachments at a Veterans Day ceremony at Marsh Chapel where he provided the remarks for the event.

Senior military representatives and ROTC students attended the commemoration, along with many BU veterans.  Pardee School faculty members participating in the event included Amb. Vesko Garcevic, Prof. Joe Wippl, Prof. Robert Murowchick, and Prof. John Woodward, the BUVA faculty advisor.  Army ROTC’s Sword and Scabbard Society organized the wreath laying. 

BUVA is a BU-recognized organization whose membership includes BU faculty, staff, and students who are veterans of the US and foreign Uniform Services as well as BU students interested in national security issues. For more information, contact Nick Rapport at