Najam Gives Keynote on Future of Multilateralism at Marlborough House

Adil Najam, Dean of the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston University, delivered a November 22, 2019 keynote talk on the future of multilateralism hosted by the Commonwealth of Nations at the Marlborough House in London. 

Najam’s keynote address was to diplomats and ambassadors from the 53 countries of the Commonwealth of Nations. Najam focused on the new challenges to multilateralism, and used the example of climate change governance as a challenge that has now become bigger than the limits imposed by standard and very limited models of global governance.

He highlighted that “collective action requires collective interests and the world, as we know it today, is struggling with the limits of both.”

The Commonwealth of Nations, generally known simply as the Commonwealth, is a political association of 53 member states, nearly all of them former territories of the British Empire.  The chief institutions of the organisation are the Commonwealth Secretariat, which focuses on intergovernmental aspects, and the Commonwealth Foundation, which focuses on non-governmental relations between member states.

Adil Najam is the inaugural Dean of the Pardee School and a commentator on foreign policy and diplomacy. Learn more about him here.