Pardee School Student Travel Grant Recipients Announced

The Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston University has announced the recipients of the 2019 William R. Keylor undergraduate student travel grants, the Lynda Gilman Graduate Travel Awards, and graduate student research travel grants. 

Graduate student research travel grants, including the Lynda Gilman Graduate Travel Awards, are also awarded through a competitive process, which encourages students to undertake path-breaking research around the world in order to further the Pardee School motto of advancing human progress.

This year’s Gilman Graduate Travel Award recipients are:

  • Kira Levin (Faculty Recommendation: Amb. Robert Loftis): Malaria in Tanzania: The Role of Local, National and International Actors in Combatting Malaria.”
  • Lara Tennyson (Faculty Recommendation: Prof. Kaija Schilde): Counterterrorism Measures Against Sexual Violence Utilized as a Tactic by Terrorist Groups.”
  • Maria Caceres (Faculty Recommendation: Prof. Rachel Nolan): How Has the Economic, Social, and Political Deterioration of Venezuela Under Nicolas Maduro in Recent Years (Within the Scope of the Administrative Transition to President Guaidó) Affected the Internal Politics of Neighboring Latin American Countries, Such as Colombia and Brazil?”
  • Aseem Kulkarni (Faculty Recommendation: Prof. Vivien Schmidt): Technology Disconnect: Irish and German Technology Policy Differences and Their Effect on the European Union.”

This year’s Pardee School Graduate Student Research Travel Grant recipients are:

  • Lauren Labrique (Faculty Recommendation: Prof. Jessica Stern): Ukraine Civil War: How the Ukrainians and Poles Regard the Crimean Conflict and Russian Action in the Region.”
  • Mary Rezk (Faculty Recommendation: Prof. Mahesh Karra): Quality of Care: An Analysis of Provider-Patient Interactions and Effect on Risk Perception and Health Behavior.”

The William R. Keylor Undergraduate Student Travel Fund was established in 2018 in honor of Pardee School Professor Emeritus of International Relations and History William Keylor’s many contributions to Boston University and to the Pardee School — especially to undergraduate education. The fund was established – with an initial contribution from Pardee School Dean’s Advisory Board member Karen Ansara – to support international travel for research by Pardee School undergraduates.

This year’s Keylor Undergraduate Student Travel Grant recipients are:

  • Ao (Ava) Shen: (Faculty Recommendation: Prof. Eugenio Menegon): “Institutions and Individuals Behind the Creation of Historical Narratives in Middle and High School History Textbooks in Taiwan and Mainland China.”
  • Mats Najberg (Faculty Recommendation: Prof. Kaija Schilde):Cybersecurity in Germany, France, and the United Kingdom.”
  • Glenn Korman (Faculty Recommendation: Prof. Jayita Sarkar): Political Factors That Influenced America’s, Canada’s, and Germany’s Negotiating Positions and the Timing of Their Ratification of the Convention on Nuclear Safety (CNS).”
  • Arvi Rahadian (Faculty Recommendation: Prof. Jeremy Menchik): Exploring the Relationship of Clientelism Pervasiveness and Civil Society Organizations Within Contemporary Indonesia.”

Congratulations to the recipients of the 2019 William R. Keylor undergraduate student travel grants, the Lynda Gilman Graduate Travel Awards, and graduate student research travel grants! For more information about travel grants at the Pardee School including on how to apply, click here