Chehabi Published in Confluences Méditarranée

Houchang Chehabi, Professor of International Relations and History at the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston University, published an article in the French academic journal Confluences Méditarranée. The journal issue was themed around “Iran’s search for balance,” and Chehabi also wrote the preface introducing the themed articles.

In the article, titled “Approche comparée du constitutionalisme en Iran” or “A comparative approach to constitutionalism in Iran,” Chehabi aims to shed light on the transnational links between constitutionalist movements in Asia and Africa at the beginning of the twentieth century. In doing so, he denationalizes the history of constitutionalism and demonstrates how Iran fits into this transnational framework.

An excerpt:

Countries and societies do not develop in a vacuum, rather they influence each other. Ignoring these interconnections risks giving rise to ethnocentric readings that would conceal important aspects of each of these countries’ histories.

Chehabi’s article can be read here. The full journal issue can be found here.

Houchang Chehabi has taught at Harvard and has been a visiting professor at the University of St. Andrews, UCLA, and the Universidad Argentina de la Empresa. He has published two books, Iranian Politics and Religious Modernism: The Liberation Movement of Iran under the Shah and Khomeini (1990) and Distant Relations: Iran and Lebanon in the Last 500 Years (2006). Chehabi has written numerous articles, book reviews, and translations. You can read more about him here.