Bass Awarded Rangel Graduate Fellowship

Briah Bass (Pardee BA ’21) has been selected as a 2021 Rangel Graduate Fellow. The Rangel Program is a U.S. Department of State program administered by Howard University and is perhaps the most prestigious early-career fellowship for aspiring diplomats.

As mentioned in the program’s 2021 fellows announcement, “these Fellows were selected in one of the most competitive cycles in the program history for their highly impressive repertoires of educational, extracurricular, and professional experiences, as well as their demonstrated commitment to someday serve the country as Foreign Service Officers in the U.S. Department of State…The Rangel Program anticipates our 2021 Fellows entering the Foreign Service beginning in the summer of 2023, where they will join the ranks of many other dedicated individuals representing and promoting U.S. interests in global peace and security, prosperity, and diplomacy abroad.”

“As someone who initially was an alternate, I still had every intention to take the FSOT and one day enter the Foreign Service,” said Bass when asked for comment. “However, getting the phone call telling me that I was being offered a spot in the program was easily some of the best news I had ever received. I am incredibly grateful not only for this opportunity but also towards everyone who supported and believed in me throughout the process.”

When asked what drove her to apply and what she hopes to learn from the Rangel fellowship, Bass replied, “when I looked into the program, I saw so clearly laid out what I wanted my future career to look like. By being a part of the Rangel Program, I could both do my part in helping make the world a more secure and prosperous place while also representing the diversity of the United States by bringing with me my own experiences and culture abroad.”

“Briah has been a terrific student and has long harbored an interest in serving causes bigger than herself,” said  Joshua Shifrinson, Assistant Professor of International Relations at the Pardee School and Bass’ academic advisor. “With this fellowship, she’ll be well-positioned to apply her passion for and insights into world politics in support of the United States’ relations with other countries. She’s poised for an extremely successful diplomatic career – we all need to remember her name!”

Read the official 2021 Rangel Graduate Fellows announcement and learn more about the program online.