Student Run Pardee Atlas Publishes Premier Research Papers

On October 8, 2021, The Pardee Atlas – a student-run organization that publishes original, innovative content created by Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies undergraduate, graduate, and Ph.D. candidates both in print and online – launched its new website and published three premier research papers.

Originally known as The Pardee Periodical, The Pardee Atlas: Journal of Global Affairs is a revitalized academic journal established in April 2021. Our new focus is to create a publication that highlights the works of Pardee students while also being a portable forum for the dispersion of ideas into the wider IR community. The Pardee Atlas website was built during the Summer of 2021 by a small, dedicated, energetic team of graduate students determined to bring publishing opportunities to their peers. A physical print edition of The Pardee Atlas may be coming soon, but for now, the website will be the archive of works published by BU students!

The Atlas’ first three “Back 2 School Featured Papers” come from Laura Comstock (MAIA), Eduard Miska (MAIA), and Selena Rincon (MAIA). In Comstock’s paper, titled “Women and the Qur’an: Feminist Interpretive Authority,” she examines feminism and the Muslim community, shedding light on ongoing efforts to re-interpret the Qur’an through a feminist lens and the challenges these scholars face. Miska’s paper, titled “Frozen Lawfare: Examining Ukraine v. Russian Federation and the Role of International Law in Frozen Conflicts,” defines lawfare and examines its connections with hybrid warfare and the Russian “New Generation War.” In Rincon’s paper, titled “The Anti-Immigrant Movement in the United States,” she delves into America’s long history of anti-immigrant sentiments and the groups that have arisen to support this cause. All these papers present thought-provoking arguments that embody everything The Atlas strives to present.

The Pardee Atlas will continue to publish original and creative works to advance human progress. Be sure to check back into the Pardee Atlas website for future research.