Gallagher Co-Authors “The Case for a New Bretton Woods“

Kevin Gallagher, Professor of Global Development Policy at the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston University and Director of BU’s Global Development Policy Center (GDP Center), has co-authored a new book with Richard Kozul-Wright, Director of the Globalisation and Development Strategies Division in United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), titled The Case for a New Bretton Woods.

After the 2008-2009 global financial crisis, reforms to promote stability, social inclusion, and sustainability were promised but not delivered. As a result, the global economic situation remains dysfunctional, and the economic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic offers the world a second chance. Gallagher and Kozul-Wright argue that the world must grasp this opportunity by implementing sweeping reforms to how global money, finance, and trade are governed. Without global leaders prepared to boldly rewrite the rules to promote a prosperous, just, and sustainable post-COVID world economic order – a Bretton Woods moment for the twenty-first century – the world risks being engulfed by climate chaos and political dysfunction. The Case for a New Bretton Woods provides a blueprint for change that no one interested in the future of the planet can afford to miss.

A recap blog on the book can be read on the Global Development Policy Center’s (GDP Center) website. Purchase a copy of The Case for a New Bretton Woods on Wiley’s website.

Kevin Gallagher is a professor of global development policy at Boston University’s Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies, where he directs the Global Development Policy Center. Read more about Professor Gallagher on his Pardee School faculty profile.