Shifrinson Interviewed on Implications of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

Joshua Shifrinson, Associate Professor of International Relations at the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston University, appeared on Bloomberg‘s “Daybreak: Middle East” to discuss the implications of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine for the region as the crisis intensifies.

In the interview, Shifrinson talked about the ongoing negotiations between Russia and Ukraine, what a potential deal might look like, and potential escalations of the conflict. In discussing the international response to the invasion, Shifrinson noted how Europe has come together in opposition to Russia and shown unity in a way previously unimagined. Looking forward, he expects that the European Union as a whole will play a larger role in European defense discussions, especially as the United States focuses its attention on China and the Asia-Pacific region.

The full interview can be viewed below.

Joshua R. Itzkowitz Shifrinson is an Associate Professor at the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston University, where his teaching and research interests focus on the intersection of international security and diplomatic history, particularly the rise and fall of great powers and the origins of grand strategy. His work has appeared with International Security, the Journal of Strategic StudiesForeign Affairs, and other venues.  Read more about Professor Shifrinson on his faculty profile.