Lukes, Schilde, & Wippl Participate in BU Town Hall Exploring Russian Invasion of Ukraine

A crowd of nearly 200, mostly BU students, filled the School of Law auditorium on Thursday for the University’s Town Hall: War in Ukraine, where a panel of faculty spoke about the conflict and answered questions from the audience. Photo by: Cydney Scott/ BU Today

On March 17, 2022, three professors from the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies – Igor Lukes, Professor of International Relations and History; Kaija Schilde, Jean Monnet Chair in European Security and Defense, Associate Professor of International Relations, and Acting Director of the Center for the Study of Europe (CSE); and Joseph Wippl, Professor of the Practice of International Relations – participated in a Boston University town hall exploring the ongoing war in Ukraine.

The event, sponsored by BU’s College of Arts and Sciences, Law School, CSE, Elie Wiesel Center for Jewish Studies, Department of Political Science, Department of History, and Center for Innovation in Social Science, drew nearly 200 attendees from the BU community. Lukes, Schilde, and Wippl were among the panel of 10 academics, which featured fellow BU faculty Neta Crawford, Alexis Peri, Carrie Preston, Daniela Caruso, and Robert Sloane.

The event came one day after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky addressed the United States Congress and asked for more aid in the country’s fight against Russia. In their remarks, faculty commented on the likelihood of increased U.S. aid to Ukraine as well as the environmental impacts of the conflict, the media bias evident in coverage of the war, the ongoing humanitarian crisis and how it has been handled, the damage this invasion has done to Russia, and much more. In noting the enormity of the crisis, Lukes noted, “Putin has already damaged Russia beyond repair for years to come.”

A BU Today article on the event can be read online.