“Adil Najam Prize” Established to Encourage Public Scholarship at Pardee School

On May 2, 2022, the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston University established the Adil Najam Prize and Fellowship for Advancing the Public Understanding of Global Affairs. The new prize was announced at a celebration in honor of the School’s Inaugural Dean Adil Najam, who will be stepping down from this position at the end of this academic year.

The Adil Najam Prize and Fellowship for Advancing the Public Understanding of Global Affairs has been established thanks to a generous lead gift from Ruth Moorman (CAS’88, WheelockG’89, ‘09, Par BUA’15) University Trustee and Chair of the Pardee School Dean’s Advisory Board, and Sheldon Simon (Par BUA’15) with support from the Pardee School Dean’s Advisory Board to honor the contributions of the School’s Inaugural Dean, Adil Najam. The prize is to be awarded annually at the Pardee School Convocation to a faculty member for excellence as a global public scholar and for advancing the public understanding of any international policy issue of major importance in world affairs. The faculty winner of the prize will then award the accompanying Fellowship to a Pardee School Masters’ student (or undergraduate senior) to assist in their research in the following year.

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The establishment of the Adil Najam Prize and Scholarship was formally announced by the Chair of the Pardee School Dean’s Advisory Board (DAB) Ruth Moorman during her celebratory remarks. She said that the prize was established to honor Najam’s contributions as the founding dean of the School and the importance of public scholarship that his own work exemplify. Earlier, Jean Morrison, Boston University Provost and Chief Academic Officer, opened the event by applauding Najam’s eight years of leadership and his commitment to building the Pardee School into the institution it is today. Jessica Stern, Research Professor at the Pardee School, also offered remarks highlighting Najam’s career and expressing best wishes to her colleague. Earlier, the Provost had announced that based on the recommendation of the Pardee School faculty, the honorific title of Dean Emeritus would be conferred upon Adil Najam on his stepping down as Pardee School Dean.

For the full details of the Adil Najam Prize, visit the Pardee School’s “Awards and Prizes” webpage.