Lukes Publishes “History and the Post-Truth Era“

Igor Lukes, Professor of International Relations and History at Boston University’s Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies, has published a new book titled Dějiny a doba postfaktická (History and the Post-Truth Era).

In his latest publication, Lukes studies the Czech history of the 20th century with its disasters and myths as well as today’s political problems in the United States, Russia, and globally. His work argues that history does not repeat itself, but with a sufficiently critical and value-based perspective, we can reveal our own mistakes and stereotypes, and find parallels between the present and the past that are not obvious at first glance. Special emphasis is put on the relationship between the former Eastern and Western Bloc and long-term Russian power ambitions in Ukraine.

The book is a compilation of Lukes’ historical essays, political commentaries, and reflections on the contemporary world from 2004-2021. Thematically, the texts are divided into several areas, in which Lukes maps the Obama and Trump presidencies, Vladimir Putin’s Russia, Czech statehood, the Cold War, secret services, and political ideas. In addition to knowledge and critical observations, the book also brings a significant reading and emotional experience thanks to Lukes’ style and commitment.

For more on History and the Post-Truth Era, visit Maraton’s website or read the Radio Prague International article on Luke’s book.

Igor Lukes is a past winner of the 1997 Metcalf Award for Excellence in Teaching and the 2020 winner of the Gitner Prize for Faculty Excellence at the Pardee School. He writes primarily about Central Europe. His work has won the support of various other institutions, including Fulbright, Fulbright-Hays, the Woodrow Wilson Center, IREX, and the National Endowment for the Humanities. Read more about Professor Lukes on his faculty profile.