Hare Publishes Op-Ed on U.S. Relationship with Socialist Policies
In his latest Smerconish op-ed, Ambassador Paul Hare, Senior Lecturer in International Relations at the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies, discusses socialism, how it has been lambasted in the United States, as well as how the U.S. could benefit from some socialist policies.
The article, titled “America Needs and Likes Socialist Policies: The Pandemic Has Proved It Again,” explores the U.S. antagonism towards “Socialism” as well as the benefit such policies may bring to the American people, specifically when it comes to healthcare. From Medicare and public schools to free COVID-19 vaccines and testing, the U.S. already has implemented some level of socialist policies in its history and people appreciate them. Hare argues that the pandemic laid bare the shortcomings of the free market economy and health systems, and while “no American politician in an election campaign would ever agree with Fidel Castro that it should be ‘Socialism or Death,’” it is not as damaging as is often portrayed in American media.
The full article can be read on Smerconish‘s website.
Ambassador Paul Hare was a British diplomat for 30 years and the British ambassador to Cuba from 2001-04. He now teaches classes at Boston University on Diplomatic Practice, Arms Control, Intercultural Communication, and on Cuba in Transition. His novel, “Moncada — A Cuban Story,” set in modern Cuba, was published in 2010. His book, “Making Diplomacy Work; Intelligent Innovation for the Modern World” was published in 2015. Learn more about Professor Hare on his faculty profile.