Miller Publishes Blog on Perception of U.S. Midterms in India

In her latest Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) blog, Manjari Chatterjee Miller, currently a Senior Fellow at the CFR and on leave from the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston University where she is an Associate Professor of International Relations, discusses the midterm elections in the United States and how they were received in India. 

In her blog, titled “How the U.S. Midterm Elections Were Seen in India,” Miller outlines the key takeaways from the U.S. midterm elections in India and how the results may impact the country. According to Miller, Indian analysis and reporting noted a number of things about the elections: the midterms were a referendum on democracy, they further showcased the division in U.S. politics and society, and they marked an increase in the number of Indian-American lawmakers in Congress. Key among issues India was eying as part of the midterm elections was immigration. As Miller notes, the current wait for a U.S. visa is over two years and a GOP-controlled House of Representatives might worsen the plight of Indians waiting for a visa. 

The full blog can be read on the CFR’s website.

Manjari Chatterjee Miller is an Associate Professor of International Relations at the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston University. Currently, on leave from the School, she is serving as a Senior Fellow at CFR where she focuses on India, Pakistan, and South Asia. She works on foreign policy and security issues with a focus on South and East Asia. Her most recent book, Routledge Handbook of China–India Relations (Routledge & CRC Press, 2020), is a comprehensive guide to the Chinese-Indian relationship covering expansive ideas ranging from the historical relationship to current disputes to AI. Learn more about Professor Miller on her Pardee School faculty profile