Heine Writes Op-Ed on Chilean Constitutional Change Plebiscite

In his op-ed in Clarín, a leading Argentinean news publication,” Jorge Heine, Research Professor at Boston University’s Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies and Interim Director of the Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future, discussed the recent vote by the Chilean electorate to change the Chilean Constitution.

While this plebiscite, the third on changing the Constitution in 40 years, favored a party that disfavored changing the Constitution, this too carries significant implications for the ruling Chilean government. This shift to the Republican Party of Chile presents a major blow to the current Chilean President Gabriel Boric, as it signals that the electorate is moving away from Boric’s Unity for Chile party amid a year of domestic struggles.

Read the full article on the Clarín website.

Ambassador Jorge Heine is a Research Professor at the Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston University. He has served as ambassador of Chile to China (2014-2017), to India (2003-2007), and to South Africa (1994-1999), and as a Cabinet Minister in the Chilean Government. Read more about Ambassador Heine on his Pardee School faculty profile.