Hare Advocates for a Stronger United Nations

Amb. Paul Hare

In a thought-provoking op-ed dated November 6, 2023, titled “Can We Save the United Nations? We Means All of Us,” authored by Ambassador Paul Hare, Senior Lecturer in International Relations at the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies and Interim Director of the Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS), key issues surrounding the United Nations’ relevance are addressed.

Hare points out that the United Nations faces challenges due to geopolitical tensions and the reluctance of major powers to fully commit to its objectives. He highlights the importance of collective action and commitment from influential nations like China, Russia, and the United States in shaping a new world order.

While the UN’s legacy in addressing global issues is commendable, Hare emphasizes that the organization’s future hinges on substantial reforms and active engagement from member states. He calls for renewed commitment to multilateral diplomacy to tackle pressing global challenges, including the Israel-Palestine conflict, emphasizing that the responsibility for the UN’s success or failure lies with the people and nations it serves.

Hare’s article is a call to action, urging leaders and nations to reaffirm their commitment to the UN’s core principles and address the pressing issues of our time. The article, which can be found on Smerconish.com here, underscores the need for a strong, effective, and united United Nations.

Ambassador Paul Hare was a British diplomat for 30 years and the British ambassador to Cuba from 2001-04. He now teaches classes at Boston University on Diplomatic Practice, Arms Control, Intercultural Communication, and on Cuba in Transition. His novel, “Moncada — A Cuban Story,” set in modern Cuba, was published in 2010. His book, “Making Diplomacy Work; Intelligent Innovation for the Modern World” was published in 2015. Learn more about him here.