Heine Authors Lead Article in France’s Esteemed IR Journal

Amb. Jorge Heine.

Ambassador Jorge Heine, Research Professor at Boston University’s Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies and Interim Director of the Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future authored a recent article titled, “The Global South is back, and here to stay,” which was featured as lead article in the latest issue (2023: 4) of Politique étrangère, France’s esteemed international relations journal.

In the article, Heine explores the 2023 surge of the “Global South,” a concept gaining prominence through pivotal summits such as G20 and BRICS.  Emphasizing active non-alignment, emerging nations are shaping policies based on specific interests. The article highlights the significant absence of major Northern powers at the UN General Assembly, signaling a transformative global landscape requiring new governance. The G20, under India’s presidency, showcased the Global South’s influence by addressing critical issues like climate change and development. The BRICS summit in Johannesburg further expanded this coalition, sparking widespread debates about its growing impact on international affairs. Heine’s insights offer a compelling exploration of this geopolitical shift and its implications for the future.

Ambassador Jorge Heine is a Research Professor at the Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston University. He has served as ambassador of Chile to China (2014-2017), to India (2003-2007), and to South Africa (1994-1999), and as a Cabinet Minister in the Chilean Government. Read more about Ambassador Heine on his faculty profile.