Heine Discusses China-Honduras Relations on CGTN America’s “The Heat”

Amb. Jorge Heine

Ambassador Jorge Heine, Research Professor at Boston University’s Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies and Interim Director of the Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future, recently shared his expertise on CGTN America’s flagship talk show, “The Heat.” Heine discussed the current state of relations between China and Honduras, shedding light on key aspects of their evolving dynamics.

During his appearance, Heine emphasized the significance of the relationship between China and Honduras, especially amid recent developments bringing Honduras into the global spotlight. He emphasized the importance of fostering constructive dialogue and collaboration between the two nations to address common challenges and promote shared prosperity.

In a direct quote from the interview, Jorge Heine remarked,

“It is imperative for China and Honduras to continue engaging in constructive dialogue and collaboration to address common challenges and promote shared prosperity.”

The interview can be accessed in full here.

Ambassador Jorge Heine is a Research Professor at the Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston University. He has served as ambassador of Chile to China (2014-2017), to India (2003-2007), and to South Africa (1994-1999), and as a Cabinet Minister in the Chilean Government. Read more about Ambassador Heine on his Pardee School faculty profile.